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OXM reckons, unsurprisingly, that this will be ‘one of this year’s very biggest, and best’ games
The graphics, as we saw in the teaser trailer, are amazing – in particular building are demolished brilliantly and ‘dynamic shadows’ that build tension
‘Black Ops has a different, grubbier vibe to MW2′
Treyarch are approaching the game as ‘3 games in one’ – single player, co-op, and multiplayer
There’s ‘dedicated co-op’, suggesting a departure from WaW – Treyarch ‘changed the subject’ when asked about zombies
Treyarch have taken ‘creative risks’
There are more than 200 people working on Black Ops
The difference between World at War and Black Ops is like the difference between CoD2 and CoD4
You’re a member of SOG (Studies and Operations Group) working in deniable ops during the Cold War – we knew that.
There’s fighting in ‘Vietnam, the frosty Russian mountains, the Laotian undergrounds and everything in between’
Naturally, you’ll be fighting the North Vietnamese Army
In ‘WMD’, the mission USA Today played, you are indeed controlling the SR-71, and you issue orders to soliders down below
In ‘Victor Charlie’, you start off in a crashed helicopter in the Huong River, and make your way upstream, swimming, with only a knife
In ‘Payback, you’re in a fully-controllable helicopter – you drive it and shoot it
‘Stealth plays a big part’
Rapelling: you’ll be able to feel ‘each crash back into the cliffside with a bone-jarring thud’
You can call in air support to decimate NVA buildings
Your player has a voice, unlike other CoD games
The crossbow was confirmed
As was the 'dragonbreath' flame-throwing rounds for the SPAS-12 (also confirmed)
The M202 'Grim Reaper' rocket launcher was name-dropped
And, (thanks to WePlayCoD), the guy in the full-page picture is holding a MAC-10
Vehicles return, 'but not the way you remembered them from WaW'
Multiplayer began development early on, such that some single player levels are based on multiplayer maps
A beta's 'being considered'
We've heard it before, but Treyarch will be improving multiplayer from suggestions, and acknowledged the under-the-map glitches that plagued WaW's launch
Matchmaking for consoles has been improved (although as we learned earlier, PCs will almost certainly get dedicated servers)
Create a Class 2.0 - improved character customization includes kit and appearance items!

Источник: http://www.codblackopsnews.com/2010/05/14/oxm-scans-reveal-goldmine-of-call-of-duty-black-ops-details/
Категория: CoD7 | Добавил: KEEPER (15.05.2010)
Просмотров: 538
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